Conversation Between Fietsketting and F9

  1. F9
    Wow, interesting I would love to visit all those teams
    Yeah livornesis have overdone it, and their antisemitism is shit, beside been stalinists, and for that they are excluded from Alerta.

    Im always happy to discover more football fans in here
  2. Fietsketting
    You could have warned me for the colours

    I visited St Pauli several times, Liege as well although there connected to rivals of my own team. Marseille because Utrecht made supporters of PSG flee in a confrontation. Liverno once and found out its a stalinist group. Not my thing!

    Heard of Omonoia again when that incident happened when 'that team you do not speak about' attacked a tournament against repression. Quite intrested to come over and have a look at Gate 9.

    Used to be really into the whole footy stuff including riots and being in a firm but I outgrown that part.

    Nice meeting you by the way! Accepted!
  3. F9
    Ohh, the fact that we are a small country most people usually have no idea of, makes me think that people are hard to find about us, by search.I mean Marseille, Pauli etc, are really famous teams, while sadly OMONOIA(who is the greatest) isnt so much famous.
    Anw, have you visited any of the above mentioned teams and their fan groups?

    ps:you can write in the other members profile, by clicking on their profiles and posting there, or clicking view conversation and typing again in the box.In that way the other person gets and a notification and its easier to know when the other one replied
  4. F9
    i had to check some of my "notes" but couldnt find a team from Utrecht in Alerta.How come and you know about OMONOIA?
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