Conversation Between Pogue and Holden Caulfield

  1. hahaha you miserable bastard
  2. Pogue
  3. you on the Green Brigades forum? I got called a Brit on it for saying Cuba wasn't a socialist paradise haha

    It sucks to be a forum newbie again, I only made like 4 posts tho, you can use my account if ya want a browse/post I'm hardly on it
  4. Pogue
    you know it
  5. nice avatar you plastic bastard haha
    you're worse than me man
  6. good result eh?
  7. if you post what you text me I will stand down and let you be antifa mod
  8. Pogue
    since you came my house has smelt of bourgeoisie decadence, ur an insult to the toil of my masses
  9. pretty much haha
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