Conversation Between Pogue and Holden Caulfield

  1. Pogue
    oh yeh i see now
  2. you were saying that while hundreds of old people were dying, Afed decided that what was needed was a booklet on anarchism in Japan - ergo they get nowhere - on the dark side they put out propaganda about old people dying and deal with things people care about and thus they get 'somewhere'
  3. Pogue
    i dont get the connection
  4. This reminded me about your discussion with our noncey friend and why his group are never gonna get us anywhere.
  5. and it would be a decent piss up
  6. Pogue
    i think it could be good, its open ended anyway, we could clear alot up, but it'd only be able to resolve for collaborative direct action type things
  7. Im tempted by the class war conference...
  8. Pogue
    so this is how they live...
  9. regular user you scumbag haha
  10. global mod you scumbag haha
    also that Muzk asked for my msn out the blue as well, very dodgey
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