Conversation Between TheSamsquatch and bcbm

  1. TheSamsquatch
    I disagree.. but tou-fucking-che.
  2. bcbm
    they know why they're rioting... because its more fun than anything else this shitty social order has to offer. who cares if they don't spend years studying some obscure political philosophy? i'd rather have a horde of those people than 50 brick throwing sociologists.
  3. TheSamsquatch
    I agree that marches do nothing.
    But at least know why you're rioting.
    It's just like the people that wear band t shirts when they dont listen to the band. You say thats fine, at least they're wearing it at all. I say fuck that. It makes me look like an idiot that doesnt listen to the band when i really do.
  4. bcbm
    i think doing it for any reason makes more sense than doing nothing or joining a protest march.
  5. TheSamsquatch
    Not all of them recognize that. Not all of them have this thought process. Not all rioters are dumbfucks. I totally advocate rioting. Just know why you are doing it. Don't do it just because it's 'cool' or it looks 'fun'. Have a reason for it.
  6. bcbm
    then why are you calling rioters dumbfucks? they at least have the mental clarity to recognize that all of this shit is a disaster and the most sensible option in such a scenario is to put on a balaclava and break shit.
  7. TheSamsquatch
    That was my original point!!
  8. bcbm
    the only dumbfucks are the ones marching around with signs thinking they're doing something.
  9. TheSamsquatch
    From what i've seen, thats how it is. Maybe not the majority, but you cannot deny that there are dumbfucks there.
  10. bcbm
    i've been there in five countries. you're wrong.

    and i would be sincerely alarmed at any of them who are "activists with real messages"
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