Conversation Between A.J. and Popular Front of Judea

  1. Popular Front of Judea
    1) Stating that you are a "petit bourgeois liberal" was uncalled for. Your stated position is one that I have seen expressed by middle class liberals. (Seattle is ground zero for these.) Stated concern for the poor -- especially if they live far, far away. Concern for struggling working people? Not so much. We're fat and we smoke. Plus our clothes are straight from Wal-Mart. Puh-lese.

    2) You must have me confused with someone else. My stepfather was an unskilled UAW autoworker. My mother still has her IAM machinist and leather worker union cards. (This is of course from when we made things like electrical goods and shoes domestically. Yeah she -- and me -- are that old.)

    If you have any more questions feel free to PM me.

    If you feel like asking anymore questions feel free to PM me.
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