Conversation Between JimmyJazz and TheCultofAbeLincoln

  1. TheCultofAbeLincoln
    By the way, that documentary I mentioned also has a lot about Cointelpro, American Indian movement, FEMA, all that jazz
  2. JimmyJazz
    I'm good, where you been? There's no point in getting unrestricted if you don't post!
  3. TheCultofAbeLincoln
    Hey what's happenin. How's life been?
  4. JimmyJazz
    It really is intuitive.

    I've heard that blogspot is better, but so far wordpress is pretty cool. link me up when you get something going with a few entries.
  5. TheCultofAbeLincoln
    Whoa Wordpress is easy as hell to understand.

    Thanks dude, had no idea that site existed.
  6. TheCultofAbeLincoln
    That's not a bad idea. I'll do that. Thanks.

    (start the wordpress. I'm gonna go to school when I can get the govt to pay for it thru the this program. don't mention, if you know what I mean)
  7. JimmyJazz
    Well you should go to school.

    But seriously, start a wordpress or blogspot blog. I just started a wordpress one a few days ago (it's linked in my sig if you wanna check it out). I haven't figured out ways to advertise it yet, but I know there are ways. Adding tags to it at the very least (I haven't even done that).
  8. TheCultofAbeLincoln
    Just a blog.

    I'm not in school. So RevLefters are probably to be my only fans. Don't know where to start in getting other people to be honest.
  9. JimmyJazz
    lol, yeah sorry about that.

    I mean, I was mainly reacting to the amazing amount of research that apparently went into it. Was it just for a blog, or originally a paper for school? If it was not a paper you should definitely turn it into one, and get more credit that you can possibly get from a revleft blog.
  10. TheCultofAbeLincoln
    So dude, what did you think of my blog?

    'jesus' can mean many things
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16