Conversation Between Comrade Anarchist and ∞

  1. ∞
    BTW Bakunin wasn't "anti Marxist" he only doubted his theory of revolution.
  2. ∞
    Okay, I like Hitler because he said capitalism is evil

    I like Stalin because he wanted to hang capitalists on a rope.

    I like Friedman because he said slavery was wrong.
  3. ∞
    She was never disillusioned with collectivism.

    Toward her death she praised revolutions like the CNT FAI's
  4. Comrade Anarchist
    Bakunin-his anti-marixst views are very relevant to my arguments against marxism and his is the one of the founders of anarchism, i may disagree with his brand but he still an influence

    Orwell- 1984 is one of the most libertarian novels of all time along with animal farm i may disagree with him politically but what he wrote down stays more revelant than his views.

    Thoreau- His views on civil resistance, pacifism are core to my beliefs.

    Goldman- She was one of the greatest enemys of the state. i dont have to like her brand of anarchism but her anarchist views are universal to almost every anarchist including capitalist anarchists. She also fought for homosexual rights and nearer to the end of her life became disillusioned with violence and collectivism.
  5. ∞
    Why do you have commie/socialists in your album.
  6. ∞
    You seem to have a huge misconception of socialism.
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