Conversation Between ellipsis and Bitter Ashes

  1. welcome back. i stole your modding position.
  2. ahh you are doing fine, gotta live life right?!
  3. Bitter Ashes
    be my guest. I should be keeping a closer eye on things perhaps lol
  4. this probably goes without saying, but is it OK if I compile a new squatter guide sticky in DIY?
  5. somebody had to do it! don't worry there will be more for us both to lock.
  6. Bitter Ashes
    Good call today on that thread. Before I realised it was locked, I was cringing and thinking I'd have to lock my first thread too on that one.
  7. Bitter Ashes
    Thanks very much. I think that the DIY forum has much potential as not only a development area, but also as a resource. Just a case of working it all out
  8. Congrats on the modship. I'd like to help you renovate the long neglected forum if you like.
  9. true, I should add that to the blog post. I am flattered that you are a reader.
  10. Bitter Ashes
    On the subject of tracers. They have the big disadvantage of giving away your position too. A long line pointing to you kinda does that :P
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 15