Conversation Between Lanky Wanker and NewLeft

  1. Lanky Wanker
    Didn't you hear Le Rouge? He said gingers don't count. We need to recruit more revolutionaries into our group... that Mao pic is staring at me on the side of your profile as I type this and I can't stop laughing.
  2. NewLeft
    I have my wallet in my back pocket.. Have a fresh $50 in there, just so ya know..
  3. NewLeft
    I'm the one with the illegitimate rep bar, buddy.
  4. Lanky Wanker
    Yeah lol, my band's name I came up with as a joke. We (me and the bassist) liked it because it's stupid and will probably knock a few old people off their seats. I actually just posted a link in the music advertising thread.
  5. NewLeft
    Lanky Wanker??
  6. Lanky Wanker
    Never heard of them but I'm listening to them now. The only anarcho-punk sort of band I like is Aus-Rotten because they get to the point and actually find something new to shout about. Plus, with their anti-nazi song they actually managed to send out a good message. Anyway, I'm listening to Incineration and these guys sound pretty good... noisy good lol, something to piss old people off with!
  7. NewLeft
    Your post is true. Anarcho punk sucks. With exception of Dog Faced Hermans, I love noise...
  8. Lanky Wanker
    LOL people like that really need to find better hobbies. If America contains any significant elements of socialism, then I have no idea what the hell I've been reading. I remember someone on here (I think) actually saying that the UK is a mix of socialism and capitalism... looks like we're both on the road to a classless, stateless society, with the increased university fees and all that socialist jazz.
  9. NewLeft
    I lol'd at your signature.. Rejoice comrade, according to a libertarian who writes the fashionable "P.I.G. series," socialism exists in America, you just didn't know it! What are we struggling for, we have already won! Cheers to the newly discovered socialist America! Lenin would be proud.
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