Conversation Between Comrade_Red and tehpevis

  1. tehpevis
    ty, comrade
  2. Comrade_Red
    Oh yeah, i made it, i'll send it to you. i had it on echopic...
  3. tehpevis
    shit, I'm trying to find that flag but cant. Where'd you get it? Photoshop?
  4. Comrade_Red
    Ha, thanks komrade.
  5. tehpevis
    lol nice, I like the new Avatar
  6. tehpevis
    Ja, look up [email protected]
  7. Comrade_Red
    oh, nah, not at the moment.

    hey do you have a myspace?
  8. tehpevis
    you have a job or in school?
  9. tehpevis
    lol, gut
  10. Comrade_Red

    i'm in San Angelo, too!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13