Conversation Between connoros and Nevsky

  1. Nevsky
    I love your posts, comrade!
  2. Nevsky
    That's an adequate analogy to dogmatic "anti-stalinism". Many people act like that, sadly.
  3. connoros
    Thank you, comrade. But it's a little like arguing with creationists, sometimes. There's something called the Index to Creationist Claims that actually disproves every single creationist claim ever made, with volumes of citations and scientific studies to back it up, but you will never know a creationist to acknowledge wrongness in the face of overwhelming counter-evidence, anymore than you will ever know a creationist to come up with a claim that deviates from the Index.
  4. Nevsky
    Great posts, comrade! Nice to see another resourceful marxist-leninist active on the forum
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