Conversation Between Geiseric and Goblin

  1. Cool, i have time. Also, as you may have noticed i deleted my facebook. Long story short: I ran into some minor security issues. But i created a new one a few days ago. I'll send you a friend request when i get home tonight.
  2. Geiseric
    Hey man what's up? I have some interesting stuff to fill you out on let me know when you're free.
  3. Geiseric
    Yeah I think a cat should work. Only if we eat its eyes afterwards though. That's what my copy of the necronomicon says at least. My computer is down still however
  4. Totally. One question though. Does it have to be a goat? Goats are really heavy, and they kick very hard. They can also be hard to come by. Could we sacrifice a cat instead? Theres alot of cats where i live, so getting a hold of one would be much easier. They are also much easier to sacrifice.

    Also, do i have to speak german during the sacrifice? My german is kinda rusty, but i do speak some french.
  5. Geiseric
    Dude we have to sacrifice a goat at the next world congress so wotan can bestow upon us his power
  6. Fuck yeah, that would be awesome!
  7. Geiseric
    Dude fuck yes. We have to skype sometime
  8. Im a member Its cool having a group dedicated to the 4th International.
  9. Geiseric
    Hey dude I saw you joined the group haha, are you a member already? or just wanted to check out the page?
  10. Yo dawg. Im just hanging around
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 15