Conversation Between BobKKKindle$ and The Douche

  1. The Douche
    You neg repped my post in a thread about the potential murder of afghans by american troops with the comment that I was being an "apologist". I think you have misunderstood what I was saying in the post. I was just pointing out an inconsistency in the article. I am not an apologist for US imperialism, nor a supporter of the war in Afghanistan.
  2. The Douche
    I know the parties are different but your SWP is still trotskyist of some sort right? Maybe its just that I've happend across certain posts of yours and not others, but you come off more as an anti-revisionist, or at least, with some anti-revisionist tendencies.
  3. "Also, I don't mean this to insult you, I enjoy many of your posts, but, what are you still doing in the SWP? Your politics don't seem to match up."

    Thanks - can you elaborate though? In what respects do I not match up? You know that the SWP(UK) is totally different from the party in the US of the same name, right?
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