Conversation Between Yuppie Grinder and Ostrinski

  1. Thank you.
  2. woah you're a mod now
    nice bro
  3. That's cool. Some people dismiss him without knowing much about him, glad to see that's not the case with you.
  4. I've read The Democratic Principle, Party and Class, and Auschwitz or the Great Alibi. Once was very impressed with his unorthodox way of seeing things, not so much anymore.
  5. Have you read much Bordiga? I thought I'd hate him before I read much of him. You might actually like some of it, especially the early stuff, or at the very least find it interesting.
  6. Sounds cool. Have fun.
  7. Nah not necessarily. I'm in like back to the basics mode atm. Just having a brain dump
  8. You back to left communism?
  9. cool thanks
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16