Conversation Between Bud Struggle and Rafiq

  1. Rafiq
    Thanks 'comrade'
  2. You are one of the few people on this board who understands what it means to be a Communist. Radical means being RADICAL not just being a bit more Progressive than the Liberal next to you. Good job.
  3. It's Rosie O'Donnell a former talk show host''s head photoshopped on the body of some hairy guy. It will be gone in a second
  4. Rafiq
    out of curiosity, who is your avatar?
  5. Rafiq
    I see... Yes, it is much easier to proclaim yourself a Capitalist in such a propaganda filled Society, of lies and corruption. But I tell you it is much more suitable to call oneself a Socialist, it gives meaning to life.
  6. I'm not Libertarian. I just a "go with the flow" Capitalist. But I do wish Communists the best.
  7. Rafiq
    I can't show you it in Real life.. not yet.

    Can you show me Libertarian Capitalism in real life?
  8. I'm sure there's a "Plan B" to Communism--please show it to me in real life.
  9. Rafiq
    LOL, do you even know what Communism is?

    Bud's answer: Cummunizm iz wen u haz a dictatur and he bosses uz arund n u cnt have a bg corpration n stuff cuz he a dictatur n no dmecracy
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