Conversation Between Olentzero and Buitraker

  1. Buitraker
    Baino festa garrantzitzuena da xD

    But the party is the most important think
  2. Olentzero
    Gainera, Göteborg hiri bat oso ondo da.
  3. Buitraker

    Beno Gotebor-era joaten banaiz, zuk lagundu al didazu

  4. Olentzero
    I live in Sweden, just so you know.
  5. Buitraker
    Me too if i do route 66 xD
  6. Olentzero
    Zorragarri! I will, if I ever get the chance to go.
  7. Buitraker
    Ez horregaitik. Euskara its my native lenguage so its normal.
    Let me know before you cmon and if you want, you can speak with me in Euskara
  8. Olentzero
    Eskerrik asko! You speak it probably a lot more than I do, so you're luckier that way. One of these days I'll come visit Euskara, though. I would love to.
  9. Buitraker
    Orain dela hamabost urte? Ostia eta oraindik gogoratzen duzu?
    Niretzat heroi bat zara, benetan the fucking master

    To forget most of them, you can defend in conversation
  10. Olentzero
    Georgetowneko Unibertsitatean, orain dela hamabost urte. I've forgotten most of it, but I still have the books and dictionaries (and a copy of Obabakoak!)
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 15