Conversation Between Ostrinski and The Jay

  1. The Jay
    I hope you didn't take it personally. Your response just got me mad and I have been very stressed out.
  2. You're a funny guy, EG.
  3. The Jay
    There is some actual talk, but there is also bullshitting. I do both, personally. I find it funny that we were both messaging each other at the same time.
  4. The Jay
    Woah, woah, woah! I did not know that we were not befriended yet. That is a problem good sir, madam. How about fellow communist? Anyway, I think that you are just swell and deserve the use of such a retro term to adequately describe your awesomeness. Please, if we ever meet I would offer you a chocolate likely one full of peanut butter. My current place of employment produces some top quality confectioneries.
  5. I try not take part in joke groups but if there's actual discussion in them then I might take another look.
  6. The Jay
    We were wondering where you went in the revisionist group. How are you?
  7. The Jay
    I took a hiatus from the site and posting for a few months myself. I should be a CU by now.
  8. Hi. Yes indeed, doesn't feel that long, it's really only about a year because I didn't start posting really until late 2011. I had like 80 posts before then.
  9. The Jay
    Yo. What's up? I see that you are coming up on two years active.
  10. The Jay
    Hello fellow trash. I reserved you a cot/slab in the cell next to me come revolution.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16