Conversation Between Devrim and BobKKKindle$

  1. Hey Devrim, I'd be interested in what Left Communists think about the Trotskyist strategy of workers entering into a strategic alliance with the peasantry - you seem to emphasize the working class maintaining its independence as a class so this seems an interesting issue.
  2. Hey Devrim, I know that as Left-Communist you obviously don't support national liberation movements along the lines of Hamas or the Vietcong, but I was wondering today, what about popular and progressive uprisings that draw inspiration from nationalistic ideas? I ask because I was reading an account of the 1989 demonstrations in China today and I was struck by how many of the workers and students who were involved drew explicit links between their own struggles and the May Fourth Movement which arose near the beginning of the century and was, in many respects, a nationalist political current. The same might be said of the Chartists, who based a lot of their demands on the idea of English liberties and a historic English constitution. Interested to hear your thoughts.
  3. Hey Devrim, out of interest, is the Hamas quote you posted from the charter? I should probably be able to tell.....
  4. my mistake - you're right about the SWP, but not the Trotskyist movement as a whole.
  5. or rather, what would later become the SWP, in particular Tony Cliff.
  6. re: Trotskyists during WW1, surely you acknowledge that the SWP maintained a revolutionary defeatist position?
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