Conversation Between Avanti and freethinker

  1. freethinker
    An adventure you promise? Thats novel
  2. my central message is myself

    you can not really understand me with words

    if you want an adventure

    follow me down the rabbit hole
  3. freethinker
    No boundaries then> - that is your central message? No boundaries?
  4. i am the transmarxist

    dialectics eventually swallows marxism

    i am following the currents

    surfing on the tide of mental deterioration

    i am multi-dimensional

    you can trust me to surprise
  5. freethinker
    I find you quite strange but an interesting. Truly you are not even an run of the mill anarchist
    Would you consider yourself an anti Marxist?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5