Conversation Between Bala Perdida and Atsumari

  1. Bala Perdida
    You think? lol. It's all good. We're all tired in one way or another here
  2. Atsumari
    Fuuuck, my bad. I think I was tired...
  3. Bala Perdida
    Do you mean NorCal? I thought LA was SoCal lol
  4. Atsumari
    Gladly. There is a chance I may be in SoCal in the near future due to work.
  5. Bala Perdida
    Nah, I am in Cali though. Basically, San Jose. If I'm in LA I'll let you know. If you ever come up, feel free to say too.
  6. Atsumari
    Yo, are you in LA?
  7. Bala Perdida
    Let me know when you do.
  8. Atsumari
    Buggery, I thought I was onto something. I will find him eventually.
  9. Bala Perdida
    I just realized what you're talking about! You got the wrong guy. I'm also wondering who that is.
  10. Atsumari
    I think I found CINK.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10