Conversation Between Jack and Tablo

  1. Lol, opposite in my experience. I guess it varies from place to place.
  2. I forgot my password, and the only attempt I've made to go on there in months was uh......half an hour ago. So I don't really know.

    Even most "class struggle anarchists" tend to be liberal Trots, in my experience.
  3. Well, all those things you describe to dislike about anarchism have never been a problem for my involvement. I reject utopianism and I support organization to the extreme, but all the things you cite seem to describe flag blackened which is one reason I never go there anymore. Most the labor oriented Anarchism is actually quite good in my opinion. Has flag blackened actually started moderating their site or is it still a mess?
  4. Well, when I was an anarchist, if you remember, I wasn't exactly of the utopian, liberal variety. What frustrated me most about anarchism was the lack of organization, the focus on petty liberal struggles vs struggles against imperialism, and the overall lack of theoretical clarity that wasn't based on quick snaps against other ideologies. Marxism-Leninism offers all the things anarchism lacks.

    /rant, do you still post on Flag?
  5. It's been going good. Just been hanging out with people and doing activist stuff. Funny to see you changed perspectives. Anarchist and ML are a bit far off.
  6. Haha, good man, been at school and uh, changed ideologies (my bad). For some reason I always thought you were younger than me, so I was kind of surprised you were in college . How's it been going for you?
  7. Foreal? I had no clue. xD How's it going?
  8. I don't know if you know this, but this is the same Jack from flag.blackened.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8