Conversation Between Widerstand and Il Medico

  1. Read this thread : or the Disc FAQ thread in CU, or the threads I linked in this thread. Or the Dresden Take One thread. So much shit going on in this community which I'm way too emotional about to deal with any longer.
  2. Il Medico
    But seriously dude, why are you leaving? I'm curious.
  3. fucking statist leninist countererovolutionaries who told ya'll to get on my profile!? ;OOOOOO
  4. Il Medico
    Mate, your new name kinda sucks, I won't lie.
  5. Well, I could imagine modding music, as I modded bigger forums on other sites before and cos I somewhat like it. But I wouldn't expect anyone to vote for me, really.

    I dunno if Fawkes would be up for it either, somehow I have a feeling he won't.

    About you getting elected, meh. Far more realistic than me getting elected, but if Sam is up I'd guess most people will vote him.
  6. Il Medico
    I still think sammy would be best. I'd do it if nominated and elected (i doubt that would happen ), I dunno if fawkes wants to mod, should maybe ask him, and are you interested in modding?
  7. So, Fawkes, you, me? Frankly I don't think any of these would get elected. I foresee some random mod from a semi-inactive forum taking over Music, which would be rather stupid in my eyes.
  8. Il Medico
    I'd scratch Mari too, they are former OI and still a little questionable on that front, I would feel anymore comfortable making them a mod than say Danyboy. I don't think one person should mod two major forums, if amon only had a language forum or something, i could see it, but not both Theory and Music.
  9. That seems about right. Hm. NoOneIsIllegal comes to mind, too. But anyhow non-CUs prolly won't be taken. So that leaves Mari, you, me, Fawkes, Amon. hmm...
  10. Il Medico
    Well, who posts a lot in Music? Me, you, Amon, Mari3L, Kitsune, theoneontheleft...can't think of anymore.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16