Conversation Between NewLeft and Pretty Flaco

  1. NewLeft
    clever troll thread.
  2. Pretty Flaco
    give me an idea of a good way to get an infraction
  3. Pretty Flaco
    fuck you better fuckin know!
  4. NewLeft
    haha I was wondering who FUCK was.
  5. Pretty Flaco
    for a while i thought he was being rainman... like doing all sorts of math on the board behind him. i thought he was trying to show how smart he was. but it's just a bunch of random words.
  6. NewLeft
    i always wondered what tom was doing in that pic
  7. Pretty Flaco
    i follow the marxist line of marx-lenin-mao-tom
  8. NewLeft
    lol your display pic, why
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8