Conversation Between 727Goon and Franz Fanonipants

  1. alright, i been trying to get into reading more history since i definitely need to learn more history just generally, any other historians i should look into?

    oh and sorry you got infracted the admins have been on my dick lately and i guess you got caught in the crossfire haha
  2. see if u can ill it

    richard white is ill as fuck
  3. i would but the library doesnt have it and i cant find a free pdf
  4. hey fool check out this book, roots of dependency by richard white
  5. meanwhile real communists are Running Bigger Gulags
  6. comrade it is too bad that you are not a cool communist. a communist who would jail everyone.
  7. I don't support free spech and personal freedoms in a liberal "natural rights" way, I think that they are something that working class people should be afforded in an ideal society. Just because we arent afforded personal freedoms right now doesnt mean we shouldnt be. as a working class black man, why should I not be allowed to say whatever the fuck I want? I especially think censoring artists is a terrible thing for society to do. Hell, the legacy of censorship in America has a lot to do with racism from early black rock n roll artists to rappers back in the 80's and 90's. As for hate speech laws I don't think giving a white supremacist capitalist state that kind of power is a good idea. I imagine those kind of laws could be selectively interpreted to target pro Black groups.

    As for the military I don't defend it politically, but it seemed like an easy way out to make something out of myself. I dont see what that has to do with this tho
  8. that second colonizer should be colonized. my bad.
  9. bro basically are you aware of the problem of white knighting "personal freedoms" and being a black nationalist? the internally colonized are not afforded personal freedoms, that's why your average person who's really mad about wire tapping and the patriot act is white. the colonizer is obsessed with the "rules" he has invented for his society but has happily not applied to the colonizer.

    i don't get it, bro. like with the military, i don't think you have to be a marxist to get why that shit is not intelligent or worthwhile defending.
  10. Well could you find something that backs up that the Taliban kill less civilians? Its kind of semantics though since I support the defeat of the US military in Afghanistan by progressive forces.
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