Conversation Between Edelweiss and ComradeMan

  1. ComradeMan
    Happy Birthday! Buon Compleanno!
  2. ComradeMan
    About football

    Long live the Green Apes.... !!!
  3. ComradeMan
    Edelweiss--- don't dare suggest that Hamas may be reactionary stooges in cahoots with the darker forces at work in the Israeli regime, or the Taliban are no more than US lackeys turned on their old masters- neither of whom actually do much for the "International" and cause more harm than good- LOL!!!!
  4. ComradeMan
    V BobK- stop stalking people. It's worrying. LOL!!! Seeing as you arrogantly throw down the gauntlet of people's politics at anyone and everyone who dares disagree with Comissar Bob, how come you didn't reply to my response to your hypocrisy and double standards? You accused me of being a racist, Zionist, pro-Imperialist hack because I mentioned Ghandi, what about El Che? Huh? Huh?
  5. ComradeMan
    Kamerat Hey, wo warst du in letzter Zeit? Haben Sie meine Botschaft empfenge, die ich an Sie gesendet werden? Ich bin etwas besorgt über die Dinge. Jedenfalls habe ich hoffe, Sie sind in Ordnung und hatte eine gute Weihnachten und Neujahr.

    קאַמעראַט היי, וועלכע האָבן איר געווארן לעצטנס? האָבן עמפּפענגע מיין אָנזאָג איך געשיקט צו איר? איך בין אַ ביסל באַזאָרגט וועגן טינגז. סיי ווי סיי, איך האָפן איר זענט גוט און ביי אַ גוטן ניטל און ניו יאָר.
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