Conversation Between LeninistIthink and Hit The North

  1. Hit The North
    At the moment, the last thing revolutionary socialists need is to be too picky about who they work with. Things around Corbyn seem to be where most of the current activity is. A new activist organisation called Momentum has just been set up. Maybe that would be a good home for Marxists?
  2. Hit The North
    Hiya. I have to confess that I'm currently unaffiliated at the moment. I was in the SWP for twenty years but dropped out, not because of anything the party did, but because I became disillusioned and bored with the 'routine'. Since then, the SWP has gone through a messy rape scandal and lost a lot of membership and is probably in the worst state its been ever. I'm afraid that I'm a bit old and jaded but things do seem to be looking a bit more promising for the left: after years of atrophy new things seem to be developing. I wouldn't want to dampen your enthusiasm and I think the best thing to do is to get involved in an organisation that is locally active for you and allows you to combine with like-minded souls who want to do something. This could be the active branch of a party, or something looser.
  3. LeninistIthink
    Hello mate, I was wondering what international you were in, I'm in the UK too and am basically stuck on which bloody one to join and seeing as how you seem to be a pretty cool fellow trot, I was wondering if you had a recommendation ?
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