Conversation Between TheEmancipator and evermilion

  1. TheEmancipator
    That's OK then, but I wouldn't call DPR Korea a socialist state and address Jong-Un as "Comrade Dear Leader" like some others have done here.

    I hope you are not banned because I do believe in the case by case basis and your justification is reasonable, but for me any strong Jucheist should be at least restricted for ideological purposes.
  2. evermilion
    I'm not actually a Jucheist insomuch as I don't mythologize the Kims. Do keep in mind that I actually do support the D.P.R.K. to the extent that it resists U.S. aggression and that I do support the north Korean people in the endeavor to build socialism, however diverted it my be. I don't find the D.P.R.K. fascist, in that fascism has a very specific history and class character; the Workers' Party isn't petite bourgeois, it's national-bourgeois. I can't condone the oppression of the non-propertied classes by the national bourgeoisie, but I also can't condone imperialist aggression in any of its forms.
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