Conversation Between Multiaccounting and GimmieFire

  1. Multiaccounting
    Re: Your last post in the thread "Revleft question"

    Boooooooo!!! >:(
  2. Multiaccounting
    *reads conversation between RR and GimmieFire very intently*
  3. Your avatar sucks infinitely more. So there. :P
  4. Multiaccounting
    P. S. Your avatar sucks.
  5. Multiaccounting
    Hey! Let me take care of my own business, okay???

    Even though you're the other me.
  6. RR has gone on a leave of absence. I am here to entertain you all during her break. Good day to you too.
  7. Aw thanks. Of course I'm your better half. *winks*
  8. Multiaccounting
    Good. You're my better half; I don't want to see you banned.
  9. Oh stop worrying. The matter has been resolved. We're both safe.
  10. Multiaccounting
    You know why I'm scared. One infraction is enough.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 19