Conversation Between Kilij and LionofTepelenë

  1. LionofTepelenë
    Late antiquity and the French revolutionary period and the Napoleonic wars. In Albanian history my favorite period is the early Illyrian period, especially their invasion of Greece right before Phillip of Macedon.
  2. Kilij
    Ah, a good choice, my Western Civ teacher's favorite too. I really like the philosopher-ruler combo and I enjoyed his Meditations when I did my project on him for my Classics class. What are your favorite timeperiods/areas in history? I particularly like China and especially the Tang Dynasty, but also pretty much everywhere on the Silk Road like India, Central Asia, and the Middle-East all around that time period of late antiquity and Islamic period..
  3. LionofTepelenë
    Marcus Aurelius, a philosopher and Emperor at the same time. But I also really like Theodosius and Justinian, even though they're eastern Romans.
  4. Kilij
    Hmm, that's tough to say now. I was really big on Roman history before college when I decide to pursue global studies and languages so I don't really look at history the same way. I used to love Augustus for being the one to make the transition to Empire and his reforms, now I would probably be likely to choose one of the Nerva-Antonine dynasty Emperors, probably Trajan for his civil projects following his wars. Though if I knew more about the later Emperors, maybe I would find an emperor "felicior Augusto, melior Traiano"
  5. LionofTepelenë
    Who is your favorite Roman emperor? Sorry if it is a little random.
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