Conversation Between Durruti's Ghost and Andrei Kuznetsov

  1. Andrei Kuznetsov
    ...Phew, good luck with that comrade. o_o

    ...Go Vols =P
  2. Durruti's Ghost
    Uh-huh. Financial aid FTW.
  3. Andrei Kuznetsov
    *you going to Vandy or somethin' now?
  4. Andrei Kuznetsov
    Hell yeah boy. A fellow Atlanta-Nashville hybrid like myself. Yo
  5. Durruti's Ghost
    Nashville. I'm originally from Atlanta, but I've been living here for over about half a year now (I'm a first-year college student).
  6. Andrei Kuznetsov
    Hey, I noticed you're from TN. What part? I'm a product of Knoxville myself, but raised in Nashville until I was 13. Still have family and friends in Chattanooga, Cookeville, and Sparta. GO VOLS!
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