Conversation Between The Man and NoOneIsIllegal

  1. NoOneIsIllegal
    I knew people would be up in arms. but it's a proven fact Hank Hill is counterevolutionary! The real revolutionary is COTTON HILL, his father! That's right, that guy is Antifa as fuck! He killed fifty men! Take that, nazi scum!

    But really... I felt dirty changing it. I'll change it back someday. It's one of my favorite pictures, EVAR. But the cookie monster thing is just so awesome...
  2. The Man
    WHAT did you DO to your AVATAR?
  3. The Man
    Durruti did own the Stalinist though! It was a pretty good movie, even though I'm an M-L
  4. The Man
  5. NoOneIsIllegal
    Someday, you'll come back to the dark side...
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