Conversation Between nuisance and GeezAF

  1. GeezAF
    Oh and this one time it was really dark and I was really stoned, I went downstairs and saw a pot of Parmesan and I was like "mmm... cheese". So I started scooping it out with my bare hands and eating it. Halfway through I turned on the kitchen light, and, to my horror, saw that I was eating green and blue fur.

  2. GeezAF
    oi, the great commotion is awesome.
  3. GeezAF
    ahh rite. we need to get us some of those flags
  4. which one? the flag? nicked of acod. It's from the AF camp.
  5. GeezAF
    K, is that an original pic?
  6. alright Geez, I use this pro now. so add this instead!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6