Conversation Between CELMX and Искра

  1. Why did I choose that name for my article? Well because I hate, and I relay HATE, when anarchist are so uneducated, stupid and when they talk about something they haven't read and claim that Proudhon, Stirner, Tolstoy, Godwin, Tucker etc. are anarchist! So, point of my article is to "clean a porch". Porch because it represents home which is metamorphose for anarchism as ideology, and cleaning because purpose of that article is to put things where they'll suppose to be.
  2. MASA is organisation which is made according to principles and organisational structure of International Workers Association (IWA) - Anarcho-Syndicalist international.
    So if you watch again to that article (Anarcho-Syndicalism for dummies) I made here long time ago you'll see in links to organisations worldwide which are member of IWA. MASA's still not member of international, but soon we will be
    Regarding Centre, we publish books and magazines only in Croatian. We have no use of English version.
  3. CELMX
    Wow, great website, cool that you're publishing books! can't read it though...
    is there an english version?
    Haha, if you start a magazine, I'll definitely subscribe!
    What made you choose the name "cleaning our porch"?
    I read up on MASA (is that what it's called?), and it seems pretty neat. I'm liking the organisation of congress, secretary, etc. It seems very orderly. Is this group only in Croatia?
    I still think I should wait a few more years...but thanks!
  4. Well I started that almost one year ago.... here's web site: http://
    We are publishing books about anarcho-syndicalism. We published 3 so far + Platform + one book about collage occupation. Soon we will publish more and maybe we will start theoretical magazine. I have few articles of my own... "Anarchists myths" and I'm writing now "Cleaning our porch"... 1st is about prejudice people have on anarchism and 2nd is about what's anarchism and how "anarchist" individualism is not anarchism.
    If you need any help in starting an organisation you can always ask. I'm also member of The Network of Anarcho-Syndicalist which is new organisation in Croatia and I hope that we will soon be part of IWA.
  5. CELMX
    Wow, that's great, starting an org! Yeah, I think I'll have to study a lot more leftist literature myself (which I'm trying to do now...) I don't want to start an anarchist group not knowing its history, etc. But, yeah!, I'm planning to either awaken some long dead anarchist groups here in Eastern WA, or start one myself maybe once I get a little more mature...
  6. Well, you should start an organisation. It's not so difficult. In my oppinion best way is to start a discussion group, which will slowly evolve into organisation.... I started Center for anarchist studies on my own it not so difficult... it only takes will and energy...
  7. CELMX
    Yeah, there really aren't organizations here, so i'm not too busy doing that, sadly. And I don't have the guts to start one. That's pretty cool, it's much better to do something in real life than to sit in your mother's basement posting random shit on revleft. True, all the conversations are stupid, go in circles, and don't help at all. I'll just read some revolutionary books on my own, and ignore these dipshits.
  8. Nothing much. Working for organisations and collage and stuff like that. I'm not posting much, cause I'm kind of bored with this forum. There's nothing useful here and I'm kind of bored with idiotic dogmatic's... I have them to much here in Croatia...
  9. CELMX
    hey, wassup? haven't seen you posting much...
  10. Why is FNB shit? Because, people who do that think that it's revolutionary blah, blah, blah... they don't feed working class people, because working class is full of prejudices thowards few crusties so they eat that food for themselves.... Also, what I don't like about FNB is that they take rotten food from the market and make food in non-hygienic conditions...
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 18