Conversation Between Let's Get Free and Ismail

  1. Let's Get Free
    Yes, every nation today is capitalist. I'm saying that the result of Africa's incorporation into the world capitalist economy was a destruction of the mode of production which Marx might call "primitive communism." As the capitalist mode developed, it confronted the noncapitalist mode, violently transforming various communities, turning land and resources into commodities.

    And despite the socialistic sounding rhetoric of the various bourgeois nationalist regimes, such as Nyrere's, capitalist relations of production remained dominant for the most part. So called socialism in Africa, for all practical purposes, was based on the Soviet/Eastern European model and displayed the essential characteristics of that model.
  2. Ismail
    "I think that a revolutionary transformation in the African continent might be relatively easy, given that Africa lacks a strong capitalist foundation, well-developed class formations and relations of production, and a stable, entrenched state system."

    This sounds a lot like "Ujamaa" and other petty-bourgeois "African socialist" theories which claim that capitalism was somehow alien to Africans and that the "innate nature" of the African was towards collectivism and a bastard form of "socialism." Every African state is a capitalist state, their economies are capitalist despite the widespread presence of peasant and tribal economies. The native bourgeoisie especially sticks out in these countries. A "stable, entrenched state system" likewise exists, since no one disputes the existence of any African state nor its machinery.
  3. Ismail
    His views were eclectic; Hoxha criticized his "foco" theory like so:

    It is correct that his "foco" views influenced a great many Latin American organizations, so much so that in a conversation with the Albanians, Mao's security guy Kang Sheng said, "The revolution in Latin America is going very well, especially after the defeat of Guevara; revisionism is being unmasked."
  4. Let's Get Free
    I view Che as a flawed revolutionary hero. He did have many faults

    His "foco" theory is nonsense, and the fact that someone with his (justly EARNED) prestige supported it caused major interference with REAL Marxist working-class organizing.

    Beginning, I think upon his return from the failed mission in the Congo, Che began working on a critical analysis of the economics of the Soviet Union. Examination of the drafts of the work show that Che thought the SU was in fact "state capitalist" and the roots of that state capitalism were not in the changes made after the death of Stalin, or in Stalin's purges and veritable civil war in the 1930s, but rather in Lenin's NEP.

    So that doesn't say anything about whether or not Che regarded himself as a Stalinist, or a Leninist, or any sort of "ist" other than a communist. However, as an individual, Che was a pretty remarkable character, and his personal honor and decency cannot be questioned.
  5. Ismail
    It's a bit strange for you to be an anarchist yet praise a guy who belonged to a basically Maoist party, and you have a drawing of Che even though he thought the DPRK was a wonderful country and sided with China and Albania in their criticisms of the USSR.
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