Conversation Between ClearlyChrist and CommieTroll

  1. CommieTroll
    Thought just occurred to me today, take that smug off your face and that crown of thorns
  2. ClearlyChrist
    I Never Wanted To Keep Anything Going, We Aren't Friends Anymore, And I Don't Know About You, But I'm Feeling Alright. That's All That Ever Needed Be Said.
  3. CommieTroll
    I really am getting tired of this shit, drop it now or you will regret it
  4. ClearlyChrist
    Oh, Boo Hoo ;/
  5. CommieTroll
    And that's just you all over, no effort
  6. ClearlyChrist
    Cool Story, Bro.
  7. CommieTroll
    I wonder if the people on this forum know that you are dating with a self confessed Nazi, you hypocrite. It's a disgrace you'd even call yourself a Marxist, you even come from a bourgeois family who spoils you rotten but your too ungrateful to see that
  8. CommieTroll
    Don't play the victim card, that's just pathetic and I don't know why you persist on posting to my RevLeft page. You're just as much to blame as me and the others. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. I heard the shit you were talking about me too, don't avoid everyone because of me, everyone misses the amazing conversationalist that you are. Ginger jokes? Ha, you can't say anything I've never said before. And lastly I've never expected much of you from the start.
  9. CommieTroll
    Offended over nothing? Aww, is someone upset because I made a joke a his girlfriend? Wise up
  10. CommieTroll
    You're just acting like a child, grow up and stop being melodramatic
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16