Conversation Between Landsharks eat metal and #FF0000

  1. Landsharks eat metal
    Thanks. I'm already feeling a lot better even though I'm still not in the best situation.
  2. #FF0000
    Ultra glad that you got out of this awful place.
  3. Landsharks eat metal
    It always amazes me just how reasonable you manage to be pretty much all the time.
  4. Landsharks eat metal
    That's okay. I was boring back then
  5. #FF0000
    the first visitor message you ever got was me commenting on you being in PA. I am king dummy.
  6. Landsharks eat metal

    That's funny... we had a conversation about this before, but maybe you forgot because that was when I still had my old username and basically never posted.
  7. #FF0000
    o hey i didn't realize you were in PA.
  8. Landsharks eat metal
    I'm from the southern part, very much nowhere.
  9. #FF0000
    About 90 minutes away, which constitutes "nearby" in PA!

    But a friend of mine has a band down there. He makes the trek every so often for shows and practice
  10. Landsharks eat metal
    Yep, have been my entire life. You nearby?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12