Conversation Between Salabra and Bitter Ashes

  1. Salabra
    Between work and health issues, I've not been around much.

    Like the proverbial bad penny, however, I've shown up again!
  2. Bitter Ashes
    Hiya Think I had you on my friends list for a while, but I thought you'd gone inactive and removed you sorry :P
  3. Salabra
    Greetings, Comrade - I saw that we share some groups so I thought I'd come and say Hello!
  4. Salabra
    Oh hi!

    I've been out of the loop for a while, and hadn't noticed your new nick.

    good to see you're still here!
  5. Salabra
    Cute pic, wasn't it?

    The GM of the online Tékumel game I played in displayed it as a warning to another player who had the habit of hogging the action.

    I hope you copied it!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5