Conversation Between Aslan and Communist Mutant From Outer Space

  1. If you don't mind my asking so, how old are you?
  2. Somewhat. I'm done with worshiping Marxist figures, but I'm not done with Marxism. I'm just not sure what flavour of it is my preferred one yet, though the so-called more "orthodox" forms (Luxemburgism, Kautskyism) etc. seem to tick a lot of boxes. I should read some actual Marx and Engels before I decide though, albeit I have little time to do that at the moment due to school.
  3. So, are you done thinking about it?
  4. It personal to be honest
  5. Why do you have a picture of an Albanian partisan if you (don't appear to be) a Hoxhaist? I mean I know it's just a picture but I'm just curious.
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