Conversation Between Franz Fanonipants and Inquisitive Lurker

  1. lol

    gtfo bro
  2. I never mention Iraq or Afghanistan once. You're delusional dude, and not just because you are religious. I'm so left I fall off the spectrum. I'm such a revolutionary I actively subvert the state and work up statistics and possibilities for the literal overthrow of the government.
  3. not really, dude. you're essentially not a Leftist with that rhetorical bullshit, but a reformist. go over to huffpost or some shit before you suffer any more heartbreak when you find out that market solutions to genocide don't work.

    also, you are an imperialist and should really consider the fact that you literally believe the US' actions in Iraq and Afghanistan are valid as a point of shame. you are an advocate for brutality and imperial aggression.
  4. In life you have a tool box. You pick the right tool to get the job done. If you can use a "bad" tool to do a "good" job, you win twice.
  5. i'mna assume you're just kind of naive and not really dumb, but bro basically there's an either/or on imperialism and capitalism.
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