Conversation Between Incendiarism and JimmyJazz

  1. Incendiarism
    Ah, that's good. I assumed that the book was written after his complete break from the left, but upon further inspection I don't believe it was. I'll have to purchase it when I head down the bookstore on my day off, thanks for the heads up!
  2. JimmyJazz
    Hey Incendiarism,

    I've been reading the Sidney Hook book by occasionally picking it up and reading a random chapter out of order, because I'm spending most of my time on other books. But the chapters I've read, like one on anarcho-syndicalism, and one on Lenin's/Luxemburg's pre-WWI arguments against reformist/syndicalist/parliamentarian trends, were really excellent. I also read most of the Introduction by his son or grandson, which was quite interesting. I actually tend to think that people who become traitors to the left, as Hook did, write the most interesting things while they are leftists; because anyone who could ever make such a radical departure was not the type of leftist to get mired down in details, but always kept the big picture.

    I'm not really sure what John Dewey's pragmatism is all about, so I can't say what influence it does or doesn't have on the book.

    Anyway, you definitely should check it out.
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