Conversation Between JazzRemington and Stranger Than Paradise

  1. JazzRemington
    The exact technical explanation for how a camera works. I know how it basically works, but that's it. I was trained specifically in how to take pictures and develop them, not, say, how to repair or fix a camera. Thus, I don't know anything about the actual mechanisms that make a camera work.
  2. Stranger Than Paradise
    Mechanics, could you elaborate a little on this please, I'm a complete novice.
  3. JazzRemington
    Really, I just shoot. I know the mechanics behind photography, digital or film, but I've been out of the arts for a long while now.
  4. Stranger Than Paradise
    Thank you, I already have a panasonic which is fairly serviceable but I was just wondering if you had any inside knowledge as you seem a very capable photographer.
  5. JazzRemington
    I have never used a video camera, so I'm not sure what to recommend. You could look on Amazon and look for reviews of certain cameras. I don't think it matters what kind of camera you have, as long as you know how to use it effectively.
  6. Stranger Than Paradise
    Hi, have you ever used a video camera? If so what one would you recommend?

    Great photography by the way.
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