Conversation Between Rooster and Brosa Luxemburg

  1. Of Cliff, I've only read his state-capitalism in Russia book. As a reference, it's great but some of his conclusions seem to be off from the information he presents. I think most of his work suffers from this but the information contained is usually pretty good.
  2. Brosa Luxemburg
    Thanks for the reccomendation.

    I am not necesarilly a big fan of Cliff, but I have heard his work on the history of the Bolsheviks is good. Thoughts?
  3. Fitzpatrick is probably one of the best authors about the peoriod. Her book, The Russian Revolution, is a great read. It's even mentioned by some stalinists as a source but I have no idea why that is. Probably because they've never read it. If you read Nove, just make sure you get the most recent copy because he revised it an awful lot with each new development in the soviet state.
  4. Brosa Luxemburg
    I am halfway through volume 2 and have read volume 1.

    Actually, after volume 3 I was going to read Nove's book. Is Fitzpatrick's any good?
  5. Yo, did you read EH Carr's The Russian Revolution? If you enjoyed that then you should Sheila Fitzpatrick's The Russian Revolution. And, Alec Nove's An Economic History of the USSR.
  6. Brosa Luxemburg
    That's fine. I appreciate what you were able to send
  7. It's no problem. I'm sorry for the short answers but I'm kinda busy right now and will be for a couple of weeks yet.
  8. Brosa Luxemburg
    Thanks rooster.
  9. Found them. I'll send you a PM with the relevant parts and some links to the full texts. You'll see when you read them.
  10. Brosa Luxemburg
    What do you mean by "putting itself in the same position as the Bolsheviks"? What were these writings called? Can you summarize what they said?
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