Conversation Between Kadir Ateş and Android

  1. Android
    I am not working on the translations. You should check out the 'Preface to the Swedish Edition' to Loren Goldner's text Communism is the Material Human Community: Amadeo Bordiga Today' for the low down on what has been published.
  2. Absolutely not, comrade! Please let me know of the progress you make on this project, I am very interested to see the results. Also, do you happen to the know the name of Bordiga's work on the agrarian question in the Soviet Union? French or Italian name is fine. Thanks!
  3. Android
    Hello - hope you do not mind me butting in on your discussion with Savage and Zan. about Damen's writings in English. Just to let you know the user Jock is the one as far as I am doing the translation so if you are interested maybe send him a PM. I am pretty sure he he'd be glad to discuss it with you.
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