Conversation Between 727Goon and Cleansing Conspiratorial Revolutionary Flame

  1. ayee my daddy knew ya daddy said he was a hater too
  2. Your Avatar summarizes my standpoint.
  3. The real liberal thing to do here would be support either bourgeois side. The imperialist Karzai government is a fuck of a lot less fundamentalist than the Taliban were, for what it's worth but ovbiously fuck that criminal. I find it quite interesting that you think I'm some sort of fan of the Northern Alliance.
  4. You've however though adopted a Liberal attitude of pretending that the Northern Alliance in comparison to the Taliban though are 'progressive' when they're blatantly not and are the same Fundamentalists that the Taliban are and in fact are worse than the Taliban themselves as they serve in the interests of the United States and seek to build a Islamic Fortress in Central Asia that will openly accept Economic and Military Imperialism from the United States. Not to mention that afterward any illusion of existing progressiveness will simply be reverted.

    I find it quite interesting that you 'support' the ALO however, when the ALO were themselves massively slaughtered by the Northern Alliance.
  5. I dont think anyone is claiming they are progressive...
  6. See:

    The Northern Alliance are simply the same Fundamentalists that the Taliban are except-- The Northern Alliance are albeit supported by the United States in order to represent the Imperialist Interests of the United States within Afghanistan.

    They're by no means 'progressive'.
  7. I think it's rather humorous how you think advocating the defeat of imperialists by progressive forces and working class resistance to the war effort at home. Maybe instead of jumping on the cmoney bandwagon you could actually have a conversation with me but nah that would be too fucking easy. I don't support the US, I said the might be the lesser of two bourgeois evils but I don't support either bourgeois side in imperialist wars so it's semantics. Fuck the US and the Taliban and I support progressive and even moderate resistance. Is that so hard to understand?
  8. I think its rather humorous how you have your tendency set as Black Panthers, yet at the same time are sympathizing for the actions of Imperialists by considering their actions to somehow be 'Progressive' when inherently these actions are not progressive and are simply furthering the interests of turning Afghanistan into a potentially more militarized version of Pakistan that will ultimately drop the illusion of these progressive actions and serve as the United States military fortress in order to further Imperialism. Rather Counter-Revolutionary to the Black Panther line of politics.
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