Conversation Between Ilyich and Geiseric

  1. Geiseric
    Well what defines minimum demands? The national struggle, the unionization crisis, the struggle for healthcare, for education, are all attributed to capitalism, so if we are able to get working class people on board to support campaigns that will benefit the entire working class and to provide solutions that are designed to benefit the working class at the detriment of the bourgeoisie, and if we explain how the crisis are because of capitalism and the solution is socilism in the long run, I can't see that not working.s
  2. Ilyich
    Well, it should be obvious by now that I jumped into the discussion about The Transitional Program with a pretty big lack of understanding. Ultimately, I'm glad I did because I thought I had a general understanding and I'm getting a lot more information (whether correct or fundamentally flawed) that I wouldn't have otherwise.

    Anyway, here's what I though a transitional program was. I though it was an attempt to link the trade union conscious workers' desire for reform (to help alleviate the bourgeois pressures of the class struggle on them) with the revolutionary class conscious workers' desire for revolution (to abolish capitalism, to establish the workers' state, and to lay the foundations for the building of socialism) and also to spread revolutionary class consciousness through active participation in struggle for the minimum demands. First of all, how much of that is true (or untrue)?
  3. Geiseric
    Hey dude what's up, if you have any questions about the transitional program I've read it a few times and can answer them, I've been to a few study groups with other trotskyists about it.
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