Conversation Between Holden Caulfield and F9

  1. tell me then in simple terms what I don't understand. and why my posts were deleted.
  2. F9
    fuck it Holden, it just seems we cant communicate, mainly is that you dont want to understand.....
    some admins dont get "it". i fully understood what you tried to do, im not an idiot, i got "it"
  3. in reply to your PM. I asked if they were zionists and thus zionism is clearly the point I want to know about. try readint my OP
  4. because he said they weren't zionist. and he is a zionist. So I questioned it.
    tell me what is wrong with that and I'll drop it
  5. F9
    i dont get it holden, i give you another thread, why you have to ruin that particular thread? i just dont get it.... at all
  6. I didnt flame you from nowhere, you deleted my post.

    You can think what you want of me, I know I am a decent user of this forum, I know I have contributed alot to it. No matter what certain admins say.

    Its not because of the colour of your name, its because of the way it makes you act. I had no problems with Q or Pastradamus until they became admins and fucked with my profile and my posts.

    if you respect me as a user, as you imply, then stop deleting my posts. Malte is big enuf to fight his own battles, if you think im wrong then you fight them for him but don't delete my posts and not expect me to kick off.

    I know fine well who you are, I got you in the CC remember
  7. F9
    each thing has its own fucking place Holden.
    In any way, seen that you judge me only from the fucking color of my nick holden, and really forgetting who i am/was i dont think i can keep the conversation(?) go on. I just hope with time you will grow out of this shit, i expected better from you Holden, and i feel shit saying this, but you really need to grow up.
    I have talked with most people, and no one approached me with such an attitude, your choice. i just hope truly, with time, you can see again that its not a fucking color that can judge a person, and justify your attitude with him/her.
    It wont make me feel good arguing with you holden, it makes me shit arguing with someone i like, especially when this someone is misjudging me for shit reasons, and flames me from nowhere.
  8. if a zionist says somebody else isnt a zionist then why not question them.
    If a stalinist says somebody isnt authoratarian why not question them.
    If somebody who thinks cuba or chavez is socialist why not question them.

    nothing I said was out of order.
    and yeah the red name makes people into muppets. Im fucking sick to death of admins. Q messed with my profile, Debs says I contrebute nothing, Pastradamus deleted my profile messages, TAT is TAT, etc etc.

    nothing I said was wrong, you deleted my post, you provoked me. I have been a mod, I have argued with fascists, nationalists, fucking idiots like new tet (more so than anyother mod did in their own forum) and I have never deleted a post to end an argument. If Im wrong prove me so, it will make you feel good and shut me up.
  9. F9
    i dont care really, the teams i support wont get it, so my biggest sympathizing from "big" teams is man utd
  10. who do you want to win the Champions League this season?
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