Conversation Between INDK and Bilan

  1. Bilan
    Not much, hey. Had a nice sleep into today. You?
  2. INDK
    Sup man.
  3. Bilan
  4. INDK
    Yeah. It's nice to be connected with someone so far away by our common support of revolutionary leftism.
  5. Bilan
    On the other side of the world.
    Crazy. (It shouldn't be, but it still kinda is...)

    Yeah, you'll probably get some responses! Depends, really.
    I went and viewed the forum hehe.

    You'll find there's a couple of ex-Alarm kids on here, too. Desrumeaux, Anarchista Feminista, Molotov Hearts and me are the ones I can think of.
  6. INDK
    New Jersey. That's Eastern time.

    Yeah, I see that. I'll probably post a couple times and who knows.
  7. Bilan
    Oh, cool!
    The alarm forums are pretty inactive these days.
    Where are you from?
    It's 7:14am here, and I got no sleep whatsoever.
    And I had work til half past 11.
    And yes, I am literary piano. Good guess! haha
  8. INDK
    Oh yeah, you're in another time zone. Dinner time here 5:06 PM, haha. I joined the forums at Alarm Collective btw, if I can't be at the meetings I guess I can be at least a part of the internet community. Are you LiteraryPiano there? I guessed you were.
  9. Bilan
    Welcome back bro.

    Cheers for the request ^_^ hehe

    Keep it real

    I am fucking tired - it is 7am.
  10. INDK
    It's been a while since I've been on this forum, but I do remember you as a poster I almost always sympathized with politically. You're a cool cat, thus a friend request.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10