Conversation Between Caj and l'Enfermé

  1. Check out Q's new thread in the Weekly Worker Reader's Group comrade, it has potential.
  2. Thank you comrade
  3. Caj
    Congrats on being unrestricted!
  4. I read a few excerpts in English, I got the page bookmarked I think. His ultra-leftism is annoying but still a really interesting guy. I love reading about these more or less obscure Bolsheviks.
  5. Caj
    Yeah, Myasnikov is probably my favorite Bolshevik after Lenin and Trotsky. Have you read his manifesto of the Workers' Group? I really liked it.
  6. Who's that in your avatar? Gavril Myasnikov? That's an obscure motherfucker. Had a Romanov killed, though, so he sounds like a great guy. They killed him(Gavril) really cowardly though; the Soviet embassy invited him back to Russia from his exile in France, assuring him he'll be safe, then they arrested him and shot him after 10 or 9 months.

    He wrote a book about the killing of Mikhail Romanov, "The Philosophy of Murder or Why and How I Killed Mikhail Romanov" though there's no English translation.
  7. "As a Leninist, I advocate a vanguard party, i.e., a party composed of only class conscious members of the working class (the vanguard). I accept, therefore, the notion that in times of low class consciousness the class party will necessarily be composed of only a minority section of the class. To form a mass party in times of low class consciousness would require admitting workers afflicted with false consciousness into the Party and could easily lead to the subordination of the Party to spontaneous, (petit) bourgeois influences and consequently the abandonment of the revolutionary programme."

    This seems to be more Luxemburgist than Leninist. A vanguard party is a mass-party, moreover, in the Kautskyist-Leninist sense, the "original" vanguard party was the pre-war SPD, which had over a million members and during it's entire existence, there was no revolutionary period in Germany.
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