Conversation Between jookyle and Brosa Luxemburg

  1. Brosa Luxemburg
    lol, your welcome
  2. jookyle
    Thanks for turning me onto Ryan Harvey. I just bought a few of his albums, great stuff.
  3. Brosa Luxemburg
    The Bolsheviks were trying to say one part of the party came up with the theory and the other part would agitate on the street. Bordiga claimed that this was an incorrect tactic and developed "organic centralism" which held that all members of the party would participate in both "theorizing" and "agitation". So, really, there isn't a difference between organic centralism and democratic centralism besides historical differences. I would say I am both a democratic centralist and a organic centralist.
  4. Brosa Luxemburg
    Well, there really isn't much of a difference between the two terms. Organic centralism developed in opposition to the Bolsheviks trying to use democratic centralism to split the party into two different tasks pretty much. Actually here is a Bordiga quote "It would be a fatal error to consider the party as dividable into two groups, one of which is dedicated to the study and the other to action; such a distinction is deadly for the body of the party, as well as for the individual militant. The meaning of unitarism and of organic centralism is that the party develops inside itself the organs suited to the various functions, which we call propaganda, proselytism, proletarian organisation, union work, etc., up to tomorrow, the armed organisation; but nothing can be inferred from the number of comrades destined for such functions, as on principle no comrade must be left out of any of them." To be continued...
  5. jookyle
    What are your feelings on democratic centralism vs. organic centralism?
  6. jookyle
    On the USSR and Stalin? Well it certainly wasn't a socialist utopia. But all in all I pretty much agree with policy and what not, up until the purges. Not only could a person never come close to justifying that many deaths what it did to the party I think started a downward slope in policy because Stalin just became surrounded by a bunch of opportunist yes-men. And WWII accelerated that process.
  7. Brosa Luxemburg
    What are your views now?
  8. jookyle
    Although to be fair, I don't consider "Stalinism" to be a real thing other than the great man theory applied to Stalin/uncritical hero worship. But I have learned quite a bit about Stalin, his polices, and the nature of the SU under him which has changed my perception and feelings on the subject.
  9. jookyle
  10. Brosa Luxemburg
    Are you a Stalinist?
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