Conversation Between Die Neue Zeit and Anti-Traditional

  1. Die Neue Zeit
    Kautsky before 1910, Guesde before WWI, a little bit of DeLeon, other minor figures, and not so much of Plekhanov.
  2. Anti-Traditional
    What figures what that include then? Kautsky, Plekhanov, Luxemburg, Lenin ??
  3. Die Neue Zeit
    Yes, the original Socialist International, not even the early Comintern.
  4. Anti-Traditional
    Would I be right in thinking that the Revolutionary Marxism group is essentially Orthodox Marxism of the 2nd Int? Or would it be early Comintern?
  5. Anti-Traditional
    Thanks for the group invite, it would seem you think I'm saying the right things...
  6. Die Neue Zeit
    Welcome to RevLeft! Check out my profile, which "breaks with 'Communism'"
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